Found 2 blog entries tagged as spring.

The Staten Island Zoo unveiled its new $3,545,000 million Amur Leopard Exhibit last November after 12 years of planning. The exhibit is now the home to leopards - Valeri, Kolya and Fitty. Capital funds were allocated by former Mayor Bloomberg through the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

The Zoo revealed it's plans back in the fall of 2012 when the Zoo celebrated its 75th anniversary. The exhibit is 4,500-square feet and three-stories tall, replicating the leopards' natural habitat. Their new home consists of: real and fake trees for climbing, heated rocks for relaxing, and a pond. The zoo now has one of the largest exhibits for Amur leopards in the country.

The Amur Leopard is the world's rarest cat and is also known as the Far…

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While most homeowners are vigilant about regularly wiping down surfaces, disinfecting bathrooms, dusting furniture and mopping floors, there are many nooks and crannies that don’t receive as much attention. That’s why April is the perfect month to do an annual overhaul on your home.

Below is a spring cleaning checklist to help you knock it out:

Living Room

  • Wash curtains and throw pillows.
  • Take rugs outside and beat them.
  • Vacuum and spot clean sofas.
  • Dust lampshades.
  • Wipe down the television and all other electronics. 


  • Organize and clean cabinets.
  • Sort pantry and discard items past their due date
  • Go through your refrigerator. Take everything out, wipe down shelves and throw out anything that has expired.

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